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Темы для обсуждения

1.        Animals

2.        Appearance (describing people)

3.        Bad habits and good habits

4.        Books

5.        Cities of the world

6.        City life vs. country life

7.        Clothes

8.        Countries and nationalities

9.        Crime

10.     Dating

11.     Directions

12.     Dreams and goals

13.     Eating out

14.     Emotions

15.     England

16.     Family

17.     Family conflicts

18.     Famous people

19.     Fears and phobias

20.     Feelings and emotions

21.     Films/movies

22.     Free time/leisure activities

23.     Friends

24.     From rags to riches (the stories of millionaires and lottery winners)

25.     Getting to know you

26.     Goals, ambitions and plans for the future

27.     Good manners in different countries

28.     Great Britain

29.     Great discoveries and inventions

30.     Happiness (things that make me happy)

31.     Healthy life-style

32.     Holidays and vacations (my ideal holiday)

33.     Homemade meals/things

34.     Human body and its parts

35.     Illnesses and cures

36.     Interesting places to go

37.     Jobs and professions

38.     Likes and dislikes

39.     London

40.     Love and relationship

41.     Meals and cuisines

42.     Money

43.     Music

44.     Parties

45.     Pets

46.     Seasons in different parts of the world

47.     Shopping (are you a shopoholic)

48.     Sports and exercise

49.     Star signs

50.     Telling the truth and telling a lie (the most popular lies)

51.     Things that annoy me

52.     Traditions and customs an different countries

53.     Travelling

54.     Vehicles and their parts

55.     Weather and temperature

56.     Work and studies

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